Water Turns Red As People Mercilessly Massacred Hundreds Of Whales For A Festival

Man was appointed by God to be the shepherd of all his creations; we as humans are expected to look after all His creations from the place that we live in down to other creatures such as animals.
But unfortunately, humans, being the highest form of mammal are acting more like an animal than animals themselves. Numerous brutal animal killings are done all over the world such as Yulin Dog Meat Festival where thousands of dogs are being slaughtered. Cats are also reportedly being tortured and boiled alive to be served in China while buffalo, birds, and goats are being slaughtered as sacrifice for Hindu Goddess in Nepal.
This most recent animal massacre reported will surely break your heart.
Over 250 pilot whales were forced near the shore to be brutally killed in two beaches of Faroe Islands in Denmark.

Ocean water turns red after almost 111 whales were killed in Bour and 130-150 in Torshavn.
The horrific scene during the annual illegal slaughter was captured on video by a non-profit organization called Sea Shepherd who advocates in marine conservation. Sadly, 5 of their members got arrested for going against the violent act.
